Thursday, January 26, 2012

Pirate boy

Well, I figured since it's been almost a month since my last update on Mr. O I'd stop by and fill everyone in on his progress.

He is 8 months post-op tomorrow!!! He is doing incredible. He turned 16 months old on the 21st and he's growing like a weed. My husband commented at dinner one night, as he's shoving a fistful of food in his mouth, that it feels like he was just that tiny baby who was getting round-the-clock bottles and now he's feeding himself and getting bigger by the minute.

Owen had a check-up with his ophthalmologist on the 9th. I had a feeling we'd hear something concerning his vision. He was treated for torticollis from last January through August 2011. I know part of his issues may have been head/neck related but I kind of always felt it was vision related too.When he had surgery to correct the craniosynostosis he had to have repair work done to his right eye socket. The ophthalmologist said he has a weakened muscle which has caused a slight lazy eye and in turn causes him to tilt his head to see better. We will go back in 6 weeks to check his vision again but in the mean time we have started patching his eye good eye to force him to use the weaker eye. Hopefully that will help, if not, we're looking at surgery to repair the muscle. The Doctor saw the look of terror on my face and did an excellent job of saying all the right things to help ease my fears. He said the surgery, if needed, is outpatient and Owen would go home the same day. He also said the surgery would fix the head tilt right away. I am praying the patching does what it needs to but we are fully prepared to commit to another surgery if we have to. I'd go to the ends of the Earth and back again for my kids and I'd do anything to fix this for him.

Patching has been touch and go. Some days it seems like he tolerates it well and other days it seems like it takes every ounce of energy not to lose my mind because of how frustrated he is, how many times he rips the patch off, etc. It breaks my heart, but I know it's all for his well being.

I am SO proud of that little boy and SO proud to be his Mother. He is my hero. <3