Friday, July 20, 2012


Last week on the 11th we got a call from the eye Doctor that there was a cancellation in the schedule and he could do Owen's eye surgery on Monday the 16th. As anxious as I was to "get it over with," I was almost hesitant to accept a date that soon. I just wasn't prepared to do surgery in 5 days, but I figured it was a take it or leave it type situation and right now Owen is healthy, no illness, no asthma issues, so now was the right time.

They put him on the schedule for an 11 am surgery but by Friday had called to confirm everything and he was bumped up to 9:45. The earlier, the better. The night before surgery prep with the no liquids and no food really stinks! We don't eat or drink because Owen can't eat or drink. We all do it to be fair to him. Even though he doesn't really understand, he does get very fussy and cranky without his morning cup of milk and his banana. 

We arrived at the hospital at 7:45 for check-in. Got him registered and went up to the surgical floor to begin the long and boring process of being checked over by the nurses, seeing the Nurse Practitioner, talking to the anesthesiologist. The Doctor came in, checked Owen out, marked above the left eye just to make sure the correct eye was operated on and then they came in a little early, around 9:15, and said they were ready for him. 

They bring a Child life specialist in the room during the exam process to show the children the anesthesia mask, have them leave the room and come back in a few minutes so they see Mommy and Daddy are still there, that sort of thing... They came in for Owen, but I told them it was kind of pointless, because again, he doesn't really understand what is happening. He's not quite two years old so his mind and memory doesn't really grasp what is happening.

When the OR Nurse came in to take him he went to her with no problems. We watched her walk down the hall with him and he was just babbling away the whole time. We did hear him say "Oh no" as she opened the doors to the OR. It was kind of funny, but also kind of sad. 

I ran down to the cafeteria to get a snack and drinks for Adam and I while we waited. The last procedure wasn't very long so I knew I didn't have much time, so I just grabbed some donuts, two cherry pies and two drinks and headed back up to the surgical waiting area. 

Owen was done with surgery around 9:45 or so and we got back to recovery pretty quickly to see him. He did wake up in Phase I recovery before we got back there and when we finally did get back there, I was walking by a bed and saw a little boy with blonde hair being rocked by one of the volunteers. It was Owen. He had woken up from the anesthesia and was crying so the volunteer picked him up and rocked him. Adam and I thought that was so sweet and it really touched us, that in the moment we couldn't be there to comfort him, someone else was. It still makes me a little teary eyed when I think about it. Akron Children's is an incredible facility and their Doctor's and Nurses are amazing!

Speaking of the Nurses. The one that Owen had during Phase I recovery asked where we lived and we told her we're a local family, we live maybe 25 minutes away from the hospital. She said it was surprising to have a local family there for that Doctor because so many of his patients come from across the country, even the world. She said one of his last patients came from Thailand! That's just incredible to me. We have a world class facility with a world class surgeon right in our back yard practically. I could not imagine having to make a trip like that just to get my child good medical attention. 

Shortly after Owen woke up in Phase I, we were moved to Phase II. They monitored his vitals a little longer and then gave us the all clear to head home. We stopped by Walgreens and filled his prescription for his pain medicine and we were home shortly after Noon. It was so nice to be home after waking up so early and dealing with all of the chaos of a surgery day. Even after this being our third time going through that routine, I'll never get used to the nerves and anxiety that comes along with it. The night before surgery Addie was even a little anxious and started crying. She said to me, "I wish he was born, but why does he have to have so many things wrong with him?" Talk about breaking my heart! I didn't say that I have asked that same question in my head a million times. I answered that Owen is a perfect little boy and we are very fortunate that everything that has been wrong is correctable and treatable. I absolutely love the way Addison loves him and how protective she is of him. He's her "Bubby wubby."

As sad as I was to put Owen through another surgery, I definitely did not mind the extra hugs and snuggles I got from him. He basically laid on me all day. We even passed out on the couch together and took a 2 hour nap! He got a few doses of pain medicine and was in bed by 8:30. He woke up in a much better mood and definitely seemed to be back to the old Owen by morning.

He had a follow-up with the surgeon at 1 pm Tuesday and his surgeon said he is very impressed with how Owen's eye looks and said that Owen's brain must be so excited that his eyes are finally working together. I know I am excited! It's so amazing to look at him and see him focus on something with both eyes. His eye issue wasn't too bad when looking straight at him but it was definitely noticeable when he had to turn his head to look at something. Before, you'd see the right eye roll up while the left eye focused. Then, once the right eye was fixed you'd see the left eye roll up while the right eye focused. Now they both focus together and it is so beautiful to see!

He has another check-up scheduled for August 7th, and two appointments scheduled in September. One to see Dr. Murthy (plastic surgeon) and Dr. Hudgins (neurosurgeon) and then... maybe then... we can take a little break from the monthly hospital trips to Akron Children's. I've counted, and so far, we've made seven trips there and had two surgeries, with three more appointments left before the end of the year.. maybe more. I don't know yet. 

Anyways.... I'll end this with a few pictures and say good night. It's been a long week and this mama is very tired!

 We were watching Caillou on Daddy's phone while waiting. Owen LOVES Caillou!

 Doctor Owen ready for surgery! They let him have a scrub cap to play with.

 On our way to Akron Children's Tuesday for his follow-up appointment. He got a teddy bear from the Volunteer in Recovery that was holding him. The bear is now named "Teddy" and Owen sleeps with him at night. <3

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Who will be the lucky ones?

Yesterday was Owen's follow-up appointment from his eye surgery on May 3rd. His right eye has been great since surgery but I've noticed his left eye rolling up when he'd turn to look at something, etc.

The Doctor examined him and said his right eye looks great and surgery did what it was supposed to, but he has what is called masked bi-lateral cranial nerve palsy. Basically we had no way of knowing how bad the left eye was until the more severe eye was fixed first.

So, we'll be doing surgery on the left eye some time in the next 2-3 months. By the time he's two years old he'll have undergone three different surgeries with possibly one more on his skull around his third birthday. He probably doesn't need another major surgery like his one last year but his plastic surgeon has mentioned doing a revision and shaving down any "lumps and bumps" from his first skull surgery. On the right side of his forehead it looks like he has a knot there, almost like he hit his head on the table and has a goose egg there. It's been that way since his surgery a year ago. I am pretty sure that will be shaved and smoothed down to make his forehead look nicer. I have apprehensions about doing a "cosmetic" procedure, but he'll be close to school age then and I don't want him going to school and being teased or asked why he has a knot on his head all the time. His hair does a good job of covering it. Maybe I just notice it more and pay attention to it because I know it's there. I've met a lot of people who have told me they didn't even look at him and suspect he's had something so serious done until after I said something about it.

A year ago on May 27th was the first anniversary of his surgery to correct the right coronal craniosynostosis he was born with.  It's so amazing to remember where we were a year ago and to think of where we are now. He is 21 months old now and definitely in the beginning stages of the "terrible two's." He's talking so much more now and he's just an all around amazing kid. He got his first big boy hair cut a few weeks ago. The girl who cut his hair did an excellent job trimming it down and not showing too much of his scar. His scar goes from ear to ear. His plastic surgeon did a beautiful job on it and you can barely see it but I don't think he'll ever be able to have a short cut. 
The last few weeks have been so crazy busy, so I apologize for not updating sooner. I am hoping we'll have a date soon and we can get this one behind us and maybe, just maybe.... I can breathe.