Sunday, December 30, 2012

Goodbye 2012!

2011 was definitely a huge and trying year for our family. We faced Owen's diagnosis with Craniosynostosis and his major surgery on May 27th.

It's amazing to look back now, at the end of 2012, and think of everything my little man has been through. He is now 19 months post-op from his major surgery and he is doing INCREDIBLE! I wish I could have seen where we'd be now the day we were faced with his diagnosis. It would have made the moments of panic and anxiety easier to bare. I spent so many days living in fear of what was wrong with my son and what his future held.

2012 was not an easy year, but it was a much easier year to bare. Owen had his first eye surgery on May 3rd to correct strabismus in his right eye. A few weeks later we were told he needed surgery on his left eye. He had that surgery done on July 16th.

His eyes look amazing now and he's just the most incredible little boy ever. I always ask him "Are you a baby?" and he answers back "No, I mama's baby." It melts my heart! <3

Owen has developed a fascination with Toy Story. It's the cutest thing ever! He will literally watch the movie 4 times a day or more. He loves Buzz Lightyear and he went crazy when Santa brought him a Buzz doll for Christmas. He has carried Buzz with him everywhere since Christmas day and he goes to sleep with him every night.

I really could not have asked for a better way to end this year. My son is happy and healthy and thriving like every other 2 year old boy out there. It makes my heart so happy! <3