Became this baby:
He's been through so much in his 9 short months and he's done it all with a smile. Seriously. I am SO proud to be his Mother and to get the honor of watching him grow.
He's 9 months old and he babbles "Dada" and "Mama" (but only says Mama when he cries - stinker) and he is crawling more now than just doing the Army crawl. So far, the kid hasn't met a food he doesn't like. He ate cranberry sauce the other night and LOVED it. He was screaming for more. :) He pulls himself to stand (and I've even caught him standing unassisted for a second or two) and he reaches out for us when we reach for him, but what he does after is funny, he'll grab our arm and tuck it under him like he's saying "You're picking me up. You have no choice."
At the last appointment with the neurosurgeon on the 13th, he was 22.4 lbs, but he has his 9 month well baby visit on the 27th so we'll know how much he weighs for his 9 month age soon.
I couldn't have imagined when he was born everything he'd have to endure at such a young age. I couldn't have imagined in my wildest dreams that my son would be diagnosed with craniosynostosis and require a major skull surgery. I say it all the time and I'll continue to say it until I am blue in the face, I am so blessed. We've had a rough road the last two years and there have been some dark days, but at the end of the day, we're all together and we're alive and happy. That's all that matters.
Friday is 4 weeks post-op and the 27th will be the official 1 month mark. It seems like time stood still the second they took him back to the OR and my heart skipped a beat, and now look, we're past the worst part... and finally on the other side.
The link is to a video the Children's hospital where Owen had his surgery did about his neurosurgeon. I can't say enough how awesome Dr. Hudgins is. I just can't put it all into words.