Saturday, June 11, 2011


Owen was supposed to see the plastic surgeon and neurosurgeon both on Wednesday but early that morning the plastic surgeon's office called and rescheduled his appointment for Monday morning. I guess Dr. Murthy is in surgery all day and he was running behind and wouldn't be back in time to see Owen for his appointment.

We did get to see the Neurosurgeon and he said Owen looks fantastic. He is very happy with his progress and said he looks amazing for having just had surgery 2 weeks ago.

Owen doesn't have to go back to see the Neurosurgeon until September 7th - 2 weeks before his 1st birthday. When they scheduled the date I had a "holy crap - he'll be almost 1 by then" moment.

I can't believe it.

I'm so thankful - SO thankful - that Owen made it through his surgery with no complications and I'm so thankful he's doing so well. He'll go back to physical therapy again next Wednesday. His left head tilt seemed to improve for a few days but he's back to doing it again. Not as often as he was, but it's still there. Even the neurosurgeon commented on it at his visit. He said to keep up with the therapy because we don't want him to get in a habit of keeping his head that way and undoing all of the work he just had done.

Akron Children's has been incredible to our family and beyond incredible to our son. I'm so thankful for them.

My little Mister - 2 weeks after surgery. He's like a brand new boy! I still look at him sometimes and I think how different he looks. I'm still getting used to the changes. I loved my son just the way he was before the surgery. I knew in my heart something wasn't right and it was obvious by looking at him that things weren't right... but I didn't care. He's my baby and I loved him regardless of those "imperfections."

Even with everything he's been through, I am so thankful his happy personality never changed. He was always smiling, always laughing. Even when his eyes were so swollen that you couldn't see his eye lashes, he was laughing.

He still loves to play with sissy and try to eat her hair... and his sissy is a huge sport and lets him. =) She's the best big sister EVER. When Owen's eyes were swollen shut, she knew he couldn't see her, so she made funny noises to get him to laugh and smile.

Everyone says they have the best kids, and while that may be true, I have to say I have the best kids. =)

I don't know what the future holds for our family or what may happen with Owen's condition, but I know right here, right now that God performed a miracle when he gave us that little boy and I'll spend the rest of my life being thankful he brought him back to us after his surgery. <3

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