Little man turned 9 months on the 21st of June. He had his check-up on Monday the 27th. He is a happy and healthy 22 lbs 7 oz and 28 inches long. His pediatrician is very happy with his development and where he is at with his milestones. We're so blessed that even with all of the obstacles he's faced - he's met all of his milestones.
He has a check-up with the plastic surgeon on July 14th. Just to check where his incision is at with the healing process. He's still going to physical therapy once a week. His therapist mentioned that we might be switching to bi-weekly appointments pretty soon. She's very happy with his progress. He still does the left head tilt but it definitely seems to be more of a habit thing than an actual issue. She said she'll see him for a few more weeks on a weekly basis and then we might be switching to the bi-weekly appointments.
We are so happy with the wonderful team of Doctor's that Owen has surrounding him. His new pediatrician is amazing, his plastic and neurosurgeon's are just incredible and his physical therapy... I just adore her. There aren't enough words to say how blessed we feel to have so many people who care about our son and his well being.
This was 4 weeks post-op at the water park :)
My princes
My family <3
5 weeks post-op
Love his gorgeous blues
Owen Hunter 9 months old
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