Saturday, September 15, 2012

Check-Up Month

Owen had two check-ups this month with his surgeons. He had to see Dr. Hudgins (neurosurgeon) on September 5th and Dr. Murthy (plastic surgeon) on September 6th. 

His appointment with Dr. Hudgins was his first one since his 2nd post-op exam last September. We already got the discharge from Dr. Hudgins and we no longer have to go back to see him! One surgeon down, two more to go! =)

Dr. Hudgins did scare us a little when he mentioned Owen needing another surgery to fill gaps in his skull. I was a little panicked, but was relieved in knowing we'd see Dr. Murthy the next day and he could answer any questions we had.

Dr. Murthy told us that there are no plans for another surgery at this time. It may come to a point where we need to do that, but it could be when Owen is older and can make that decision for himself. I was so happy to hear that! We also got the okay to go to yearly appointments with him. We don't go back until next September when Owen turns 3! YAY!

When Adam was leaving the appointment with Owen a comment was made about him being a poster boy and Adam was slightly confused by what he meant, then he showed Adam the poster of Owen he has in his office for the Craniofacial Clinic at Akron Children's. They had approached us about the idea at his last appointment. They had a HIPAA release on file from the TV interview last year, so they had the authorization from that and our verbal authorization. After they had asked about that we never heard anything until the check-up last week. Adam called me after the appointment to tell me how everything went and then told me about the poster. I was moved to tears. It is such an honor to be a part of this and to hopefully help another family going through this and being uncertain of the future.

It is truly amazing to look at the pictures they used on the brochure, to see the transformation from before surgery to after. As Owen's Mother I loved him exactly how he looked... whether he had craniosynostosis or not...

Owen will be two years old on Friday the 21st. It's been a long and hard two years at times, but he has always been such a happy little boy. I am so blessed to be his Mommy. He is all boy now. He loves cars, trucks, trains, tractors. His favorite cartoon is Caillou. We're doing a Hot Wheels Theme for his party and I am so excited! 

He's talking a lot more now. He sometimes talks in a language only we can understand but then he also says things as clear as can be sometimes. I often worry about his development due to the craniosynostosis, but all of his Doctor's have assured me he is fine and I just have that typical Mom worry. 

I was hoping 2012 would be our year to put this journey behind us a little more, but now it looks like we're going to hope for a better 2013! As much as I love Akron Children's, I love being a normal family not having to make visits there every other month for check-ups with this specialist and that specialist. I know we're blessed in the sense that everything he has is correctable and we don't have to live at the hospital, but it can be very exhausting at times.
His smile is what gives me the strength to go on, when I feel like I can't handle the sadness of this condition anymore. <3

My Cranio celebrity! This is the brochure for the Craniofacial Clinic at Akron Children's Hospital. Incredible to see! Brings tears to my eyes still. I'll always struggle with what my little boy has been through but I'll also always be so proud.

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