Friday, October 14, 2011

Craniosynostosis has a voice!

We made the voice of Craniosynostosis heard tonight! I am so proud of this news story and I am so thankful for the Fox 8 news team who did this story about my brave little boy. Grateful, blessed, joyful.... those words can't even scratch the surface of how it feels to see this pieced together. My boy is a natural in front of the camera, don't ya think? :)

I have laid my child in a surgeons arms. I have slept upright in a hospital chair. I have listened to the beeping of machines & been thankful. I have smiled through the tears, I have prayed & found strength when there wasn't any left. A mother's love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible ♥ For my sweet Owen Hunter. Every time you smile at me I am so thankful that you never lost that sweet smile.

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