Thursday, September 8, 2011

3 month check-up

Wow, has it already been 3 months (now almost 4) since my little man's surgery?!? I waited anxiously for that day to arrive and now it's just flown by since.

We made the trip to Akron Children's on Wednesday for his check-up with his neurosurgeon, Dr. Hudgins. I always get a little nervous before these appointments. I guess it's that fear that they'll say things aren't progressing like they hoped and he'll require another surgery.

I am very happy to say that was NOT the case and he got a great report from Dr. Hudgins. He is very happy with the progress Owen has made since surgery and said things should continue to smooth out over time. He blew me away when he said he is okay with moving to yearly appointments. I swear he saw the shocked look on my face when he said that. I fully expected we'd go every 3 months for the first year and then after that we'd switch to yearly appointments. I didn't know it would happen this fast!

But... I'm not complaining. Not at all. As much as I love Akron Children's and the amazing staff there, it's been a long and exhausting year. I am relieved and happy to stop making so many visits to the Doctor.

Owen has one more check-up next month with his plastic surgeon. I hope he'll give him another great report and switch him to yearly appointments as well. That would be amazing!

I probably sound like a broken record when I say this, but I'll say it again, I am so beyond proud of my little boy. This surgery hasn't changed him one bit and he hasn't let it slow him down at all. I am so thankful for every day I have with him. He's a very special gift to our family. <3

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