Sunday, September 18, 2011

First of many....

My Dear Owen,

I don't think there will ever be any words to express to you how much I love you. The day you were born, it felt like my world made sense again. The moment our eyes met, I knew you were sent to heal my broken heart.  I remember holding you for the first time and studying your face, your eyes and your tiny little hands and I knew in that second that you and I would have a very special bond.

I cannot believe we are just days away from your very first birthday. This year has been so hard on our family but the bright spot in all of that was you. Everything you've endured in your first year of life is more than anyone should ever have to in their entire life. You are strength personified. I am so proud to be your Mother!
Some day I will sit down to tell you the story of your first year and everything you've been through.

Some day I will have to tell you about the tough road you had and the Doctor's we had to see, the tests you had to have and the worst moment of all of that - your surgery. Those were the hardest moments for Daddy and myself. We love you so much and we never wanted you to have to endure any pain but we also knew you deserved to live the life of any normal boy and the surgery was the only way to do that. We are so proud of you and everything you've overcome. You did it all with a smile.

So many people who have met you over this past year always say the same thing "He's so happy." That's the honest truth. You're always smiling and laughing. You absolutely love your big sister and I swear she is the only one who can get you to do those big belly laughs that we all love so much.

You are the piece that completed our family and we love you so much. This is just the first of many Happy Birthday letters I will write to you. There were some days when I felt like this day was so far away and now here we are. I am so proud of you baby boy and remember one thing, so many people love you but no one will ever love you quite like your Mama does.


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